Grand Unification of Nature
Zbigniew Andrzej Nowacki
Lodz, Poland, December 2019
Here you will find access to the full version of the work
Grand Unification of Nature...
that contains my theory briefly called GUN (from the first letters of its name).
Below I would like to explain why I advertise it as 'probably the most remarkable theory in the history of
Other theories
Maybe we'll start with reflections on two theories that once enjoyed a great deal of publicity. I am thinking of Darwin's evolution theory and Einstein's general relativity. The ferment caused by them was indeed well-deserved because both of them broke off with the previously used schemes.
As far as the former theory is concerned, it is at least true. However, it only applies to living matter, so it is not general enough. In general relativity the situation is much worse because for almost the entire period of its existence (i.e., since the 1930s, when an attempt was made to calculate the mass of the Milky Way) this theory has been giving false results. Of course, physicists are still dreaming that they will find some explanation to save Einstein's theory, but an avid lottery player is also certain they will win next Sunday.
We must admit that this player has a modest but nonzero probability of success. On the other hand, the chances of physicists are zero because curved Minkowski's spacetime used in general relativity does not exist. This results from the experiments described in Quantum Nonlocality... Consequently, the truthfulness of Einstein's theory is limited to the Solar System, and that means it's not general enough either.
Size is relative
The most surprising feature of GUN is that in a sense it identifies particles with galaxies, although the former are tiny, and the latter are enormous. This was already coded in the genesis of GUN because this theory arose from the mad idea of the author who once thought that as different phenomena as quark confinement and galaxy escaping might have the same cause. This truly crazy idea has been thoroughly confirmed.
Let us stop to take a closer look at the former phenomenon. Quarks are confined within protons and neutrons that together with electrons form the atoms that make up, inter alia, our bodies. Quark confinement is of vital importance because otherwise protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei would decay, and then neither we nor all Nature could exist. That's why it was so important to find strict evidence of this fact. Unfortunately, physicists have been unable to do this in any of their theories that exist so far, even though someone seems to have stated that this is a Millennium Issue and have promised to give one million dollars for proof.
The problem has been solved only in GUN. Its main theorem implies that quarks are really confined, and that although galaxies are currently fleeing with acceleration, they must eventually stop, so our universe is stable as well. In this way, GUN answers two important scientific questions at one go. Can one demand more from a theory that is still in its infancy?
We can see that GUN is extremely general, probably more than any other theory. It can be treated as an extended theory of relativity (special relativity without Minkowski space-time is contained in it). And its main theorem – even limited to quarks only – probably deserves a permanent place in science.
Structure of Nature
However, GUN does not stop and goes further. For there are many other questions to which modern physicists do not know the answer. For example, to the simple question "What was before the Big Bang?" they answer that there was nothing or they are talking about something that makes no sense. However, after getting acquainted with GUN they will be able to substantively reply: "Our Super Bang was before our Big Bang." And if someone goes into the topic: "What was before our Super Bang?", they'll answer "Another Super Bang", which will end the discussion.
Probably you already guess that GUN allows for the existence of many universes. It has to be said here that this isn't the first attempt in this direction; a number of eminent minds – including Stephen Hawking – have been trying to introduce many universes (also called cosmoses or simply worlds) to science, and they have failed. The cause has always been the same; they have not been able to do so by scientific means that would make it possible to carry out accurate evidences and experiments to test their hypotheses.
In the case of GUN, the matter is clear. It is a fully scientific theory, and a part of it can even be regarded as a mathematical theory. Thanks to this, in GUN we can prove the veracity of nontrivial results (such as the main theorem) in a strict way. Furthermore, for instance, in this theory we predict the existence of a supercosmos containing our universe, which should explain why (among other reasons) the latter is expanding with acceleration. Nonetheless, if appropriate cosmological models are not built, this option will have to be abandoned.
Cosmos sets out on the road...
Let us recall that 500 years ago there was a scholar living on the lands of Poland, who was later known worldwide as Copernicus. He was the first to develop a strict theory in which he figured out that the Earth revolved around the Sun, although in his day everyone thought it was exactly the opposite.
There is now a chance that something like this will happen whenever the existence of our supercosmos is confirmed. Bacause then the small particle that is our universe must perform a translational movement in it, analogous to the motion of the Earth around the Sun. However, there is a clear difference between the two cases: That medieval scientist had a much easier task because everyone could see the sun. On the other hand, our superworld cannot be seen even with the best telescopes, and you cannot measure its gravitational influence (cf. Grand Unification of Nature...). Nonetheless, its existence can be examined using indirect methods.
If the verification yields a positive result, we'll be able to say that, for unknown reasons, in this region there are still humans who increase speed, that is, move something stationary or speed up something that is too slow. The author already has one such attempt behind him (cf. Quantum Nonlocality...). In his opinion, that is what progress should be all about; if someone slows down or limits, they must lose sooner or later.
...but without theologians
Someone said that by creating the Big Bang model scientists had reached the summit where theologians had long been. Continuing to use this metaphor, we may say that in the GUN theory we leave theologians far behind and climb where they never go. This is due to the fact that according to GUN all cosmoses are contained in one that can be called the mother of all universes.
The mother of cosmoses has children, grandchildren (among them is ours), etc., whereby they're all born from various Bangs. On the other hand, the mother exists forever, so she didn't have to be created by anyone. Let us add that lots of Earth-like planets can be found inside the universes that are the mother's grandchildren.
In this context, it is worth noting that there is a certain feature connecting Copernicus and my humble person: we have difficulty publishing our scientific results. It is true that the work of that great scholar was printed, but it quickly aroused the rage of the Church and was placed in the Index of Prohibited Books. On the other hand, I have earned the wrath of the Godfather of physics, about whom I write on other pages of this website.